Why Are The New York Mets Rumored To Trade Syndergaard?
Each week on Levack and Goz we offer up a simple question: WHY?! It could be a coaching decision, a team, a player movement or something else. Although the concept of the segment sounds simple, it truly is much harder to come to a conclusion on the topics. Every Wednesday, our "Wednesday Why?" is brought to you by the Integrative Sleep Center.
This week's Wednesday Why topics included the question as to why the New York Mets are rumored to be trading Noah Synedergaard. As I've told Levack this week, trading "Thor" away does not give the Mets enough back in the starting rotation to be a contender in 2019. Why did the New York Giants play so well against the Washington Redskins this past Sunday? Why are the New York Yankees so close on signing JA Happ? To listen to this week's edition of the segment listen live on the FREE 1045 The Team app at 4:00 pm or check back tomorrow