Albany Firebirds

What Should The New Albany Arena Football Team Be Named?
What Should The New Albany Arena Football Team Be Named?
What Should The New Albany Arena Football Team Be Named?
Here's what we know about the return of Arena Football to the Times Union Center here in the Capital Region. We know that Head Coach Rob Keefe and Assistant Head Coach Les Moss will be back. We know the team will be part of the NAL - National Arena League. We do not know the name of the team yet but thanks to Liana Bonavita from News 10 we know when we'll know the name.
New Arena Football Team Leaning Towards Firebirds Nickname [VIDEO]
New Arena Football Team Leaning Towards Firebirds Nickname [VIDEO]
New Arena Football Team Leaning Towards Firebirds Nickname [VIDEO]
It's official we're getting Arena Football back in Albany. The group led by the owners of the Orlando Predators confirmed today that have agreed to a three-year lease with the Times Union Center. Three years speaks to the long term commitment Capital Region Football fans were hoping for. The head-scratcher for some of us was early on in the press conference when asked what the team nickname would be and the answer was they were leaning towards "Firebirds" and were still efforting to acquire the Empire name.

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