Shenendehowa junior Stevo Poulin has made his decision on what college he is going to wrestle at next season. He has and amazing record in his career and he continues to dominate for the Plainsmen. How excited is he to be going to North Carolina State and what is the most weight he has ever cut to make weight? Also I ask him a common question he gets a lot that he doesn't like very much. Make sure to listen above!


RODGER'S QUICK TAKE: The New York Knicks finally broke their silence on the death of George Floyd. It wasn’t much, and way too late, but owner James Dolan posted a message on twitter. Dolan has been under criticism because the Knicks were the only NBA team not to have released a statement.

Dolan doesn’t respond well when told what to do, because he walks to the beat of a different drum. It’s embarrassing that it took Dolan and the Knicks two weeks to respond.

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