General Manager Brian Cashman will never get fired by the New York Yankees, but he should at least take a big part of the blame.  It’s been 12 years without a World Series appearance, and Cashman is responsible for picking the players. He’s not done a good job, and if the philosophy doesn’t change neither will the World Series drought. Yankees need good hitters not good power hitters. Too much focus on hitting home is the Yankees biggest downfall.  At some point Cashman needs to be held accountable, but instead everyone wants to blame the manager. Freddie Coleman joined us to talk some Football but also gave us his take on the Yankees and how they can fix their issues. Listen above for a fun filled interview as well as read below Freddie's comment on the Bronx Bombers!

Freddie says "They need a heart transplant to be honest with you because you look at a Yankees team with that kind of talent, why can't they play like we see the Tampa Bay Rays play? Or the St. Louis Cardinals or San Francisco Giants or even the Los Angeles Dodgers? The Boston Red Sox, man to man, do not have the talent the New York Yankees do but they have a better heart. That is on the players and it is on Aaron Boone. If you have that kind of talent, you should not play below your talent...when you have that kind of talent you do not go 11-8 against the Baltimore Orioles, you do what Tampa Bay did to the Orioles and go 18-1. That is a major problem. They need a mental check up and a heart check up in this offseason so this does not happen again to this organization next year."

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